How to install 7-Zip on Windows 10

7-Zip is open source software (it's free). 7-Zip can compress and decompress 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM. 7-Zip can decompress CAB, MSI, ISO, MBR, EXT, NTFS, FAT, UDF, VHD and many more.

It is very easy to install 7-Zip, download 7-Zip installer from

Double-click 7-ZIp installer to install it.

Install 7-Zip

You can change the destination folder if you want, click "Install"


Creating an archive file

Open up Windows explorer and select files or folders you want to archive, right-click the selection, in the 7-Zip menu selections select "Add to archive"

Archive 7-Zip

Extracting an archive file

Right-click archive file you want to extract, in the 7-Zip menu selections select one of the following:

"Extract file..." = extact to a specific location.
"Extract Here" = extract in the current directory.
"Extract to "archive name"" = extract in a folder in current directory.

Extract 7-Zip

Setting up 7-Zip as default program to open archive files

Open up 7-Zip File Manager from the Start Menu, go to the Tools >> Options.

7-Zip Association

Here are common archive formats you can associate with 7-Zip: 7z, zip, rar, tar, gzip and gz, you can add other formats if you want.

Click "OK" to save the configurations.

Removing CRC SHA from Windows Explorer context menu


CRC SHA is a tool to verify file integrity. It is used to identify whether a file has been changed from its original. It's very useful if you often downloading files from the internet.

Remove 7-Zip CRC SHA

Open up 7-Zip File Manager from the Start Menu, go to the Tools >> 7-Zip.

Uncheck "CRC SHA"

Click "OK" to save the configurations.

Here is a video on YouTube How to install 7-zip on Windows 10

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